27 Feb 2023
Staffordshire University has used funding from Health Education England (HEE) and elsewhere to support the set up and delivery of simulated (virtual) placements.
This investment was made in the creation of a new role, simulation practitioners as well as enhancing some of the simulation equipment used in the delivery of simulated or virtual placements.
As part of a trial the university developed a mixed, hybrid simulation placement experience for paramedic science and operating department practice students which received good feedback. The university also ran a pilot simulated placement for mental health students which was similarly well received. The success of these led to the further development of and inclusion of simulated placement across our provision.
From September 2023 Staffordshire will have simulated placements running in all nursing, paramedic and ODP programmes. A proportion of these placements will be student-led simulation, an innovative simulation education delivery.
Staffordshire also had an HEE-funded secondment for academic practice larning manager to work one day a week on a project designed to provide targeted development and growth across the Midlands:
The university has also accessed funding via Staffordshire Higher Skills and Engagement Pathways, which is part funded by the European Social Fund, to employ a part-time administrator to support with practice capacity building and to release academic time to focus on practice capacity building on a temporary basis.