Deans of Education

The main focus of Deans of Education (DoE) Network is on teacher education policy in England, and the crucial role of modern universities in delivering Initial Teacher Education. The network meets with Department for Education officials regularly, with a formal all-member meeting every three months. The network also shares good practice and formulates policy through regular topical workshops and has formed strong working relationships with key stakeholders in the sector such as UCET, NASBTT and Ofsted.

Press release

17 Jun 2024

MillionPlus launches teacher education manifesto

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In the news

20 Jun 2023

Sunderland professor awarded MBE for services to education

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In the news

16 Mar 2023

Solving global teacher recruitment and retention crisis

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Press release

09 Dec 2022

MillionPlus comment on the ITT market review appeals process

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Press release

29 Sep 2022

MillionPlus comment on ITT accreditation stage two results

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Press release

23 May 2022

Modern universities vital actors in the levelling up agenda, says MillionPlus

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In the news

28 Feb 2022

Joint letter to Minister for School Standards Robin Walker MP

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In the news

10 Dec 2021

MillionPlus letter to Robin Walker MP, Minister for School Standards

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Press release

01 Dec 2021

MillionPlus comment on the government’s ITT Market Review response

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Press release

17 Nov 2021

Bolster placements to boost teacher education, says MillionPlus

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Press release

22 Jul 2021

MillionPlus comment on NFER ITT placement capacity analysis

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Press release

05 Jul 2021

MillionPlus comment on the government’s ITT market review report

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Press release

30 Mar 2021

Summer term ITE inspections risk damaging trainee teacher pipeline, cautions MillionPlus

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Press release

29 Jul 2020

MillionPlus leads cross-sector call for a national recovery plan in Initial Teacher Education

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01 Dec 2021

What next for Initial Teacher Training?

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17 Feb 2021

Guest blog: Teaching on the front line

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13 Aug 2019

What would Augar mean for Teacher Education?

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03 May 2019

Guest blog: Teacher education - change, complexity and challenges

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16 Jun 2016

Guest Blog: Doing my bit for primary education and teacher CPD

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Video Case Study

18 Apr 2019

Empowered to learn about teaching in its widest sense - University of Bedfordshire