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Case study 23 Feb 2023

University of East London’s ‘one-day-a-week’ nursing apprenticeship programme

MillionPlus institutions are responding to pressures on the nursing placement system by focusing on delivering innovative courses.

The University of East London (UEL) has developed nursing and nursing associate apprenticeship programmes which work with employers to create models that are effective and needed within the sector. In doing so, the UEL utilises a one-day-a-week model which enables NHS partners to maximise apprenticeship training posts.

Additionally, the university has invested heavily in online simulation technology and redeveloping the Hospital and Primary Care Training Hub to ensure it offers the very best learning environment for students. UEL's Oxford Medical Simulation software is available to all learners via an initial virtual placement. It enables students to go out into practice with a basic competence and confidence in their skills and ability. Evaluations of the use of these virtual placements as first activities has led to increased confidence and lessened feelings of anxiety.

Finally, the university's newly developed Hospital and Primary Care Training Hub is a European first in end-to-end simulated health and social care practice. The hub utilises cutting edge, innovative, interprofessional practice and technologies to enhance the career-focused learning of students in the School of Health, Sport and Bioscience. Through UEL's engagement with the NHS and local communities, the hub also works to tackle the health inequalities evidenced in the communities the university serves.