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Case study 25 Feb 2020

SPF2020: University of East London – The Eastern New Energy project

The Eastern New Energy project will address market failures enabling regional SMEs to grow and become more competitive; make buildings and infrastructure become more energy efficient, increase locally generated, stored and consumed energy, enable local energy trading and ensure low carbon sector business activity and profits are retained in the East of England region.

The breadth of the partnership is a major benefit, with private and public sector organisations working together strategically to deliver regional impact.

This ambitious project hopes to set up a new ecosystem for the eastern region that will provide long-term infrastructure to not only reduce carbon emissions but also give the region a competitive economic advantage by supporting over 400 SMEs.

For UEL, being the lead in this project increases the university’s regional leverage in the east of England as a key knowledge provider delivering applied research to industry across three local authorities’ areas.